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Justin Wilkens

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Photo of trees, river, and mountain in Montana.

In June, arguments wrapped up in a Montana trial that was both routine and historic—Held v. Montana. Routine, because plaintiffs are calling upon Montana 1st Judicial District Judge Kathy Seeley to determine whether certain provisions of Montana law violate their rights under the state constitution. That will involve statutory interpretation and constitutional law, as applied to the facts—standard fare for a state trial judge of general jurisdiction.

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Courts Prepare for Rise in Climate and Water Law Cases

California Courts
Photo of California's coastline.

Heat. Wildfires. Drought. Floods. Sea-levels.

Scientists predict that human contributions to our changing environment will cause a rise in the number and intensity of these climate-related hazards.

As a result, legal and policy experts expect a corresponding increase in the number of climate-related lawsuits and other regulatory issues coming before the courts.

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Climate Change and the Law: Maryland

CJP Staff
Maryland flag flying in the wind.

Maryland. A state with climate-focused legislation and some of the country’s most high-profile climate cases. It’s also already experiencing numerous climate impacts. As a result, Maryland judges are already encountering cases that directly involve climate science, law, or policy. And that trend is only expected to continue.

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